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Table 1 Association of CERK upregulation with clinical resistance to chemotherapy in TNBC patients

From: Ceramide kinase mediates intrinsic resistance and inferior response to chemotherapy in triple‐negative breast cancer by upregulating Ras/ERK and PI3K/Akt pathways

CERK (tumor)/CERK (normal) in TNBC

TNBC (patients) (n = 100)

< 2% (n)

> 2% (n)



43% (20)

75% (40)

OR = 2.66

95% CI (1.18–7.34)

P = 0.04


57% (27)

25% (13)

  1. Subjects with newly diagnosed TNBC were divided into two groups: those with CERK(Tumor)/(Normal) > 2 and those with CERK(Tumor)/(Normal) < 2. Individuals were then classified as resistant (SD and PD as per RECIST version 1.1 criteria) or sensitive (CR and PR per RECIST version 1.1 criteria). Statistical analysis testing for the association between the CERK upregulation and clinical resistance to chemotherapy was carried out using the Kaplan Meier estimator. Odds ratio (OR) was tabulated to demonstrate clinical significance. The statistical analysis for OR and 95% Confidence Interval (CI) were calculated using the Prism Software
  2. CR, complete response; RP, partial response; SD, stable disease; and PD, progressive disease.