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Fig. 1 | Cancer Cell International

Fig. 1

From: Mesenchymal stem cells derived from iPSCs expressing interleukin-24 inhibit the growth of melanoma in the tumor-bearing mouse model

Fig. 1

Generation and characterization of iMSCs. a Schematic representation of the gene targeting vector is shown. The left homologous arm (LHA) and right homologous arm (RHA) are shown by white boxes. The neomycin cassette consists of an IRES element, the coding region of the neomycin gene (NEO), and SV40 polyA signal (SpA). The IL-24 gene is driven by a CMV promoter. b Morphology of the MSCs derived from iPSCs and IL-24-iPSCs, named as iMSCs and IL-24-iMSCs. c Flow cytometric analysis of surface markers in iMSCs and IL-24-iMSCs (n = 3 for each group). d Analysis of adipogenic, osteogenic, and chondrogenic differential potential of IL-24-iMSCs and iMSCs

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