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Fig. 12 | Cancer Cell International

Fig. 12

From: A pan-cancer analysis indicates long noncoding RNA HAND2-AS1 as a potential prognostic, immunomodulatory and therapeutic biomarker in various cancers including colorectal adenocarcinoma

Fig. 12

HAND2-AS1 mutation landscape and expression validation. A The relevance of different cancers and HAND2-AS1 expression where it is shown that mutations were mostly relevant to RNA expression. B The putative copy-number alterations from GISTIC of HAND2-AS1 in many TCGA cancers by the cBioPortal database. C Diagram of HAND2-AS1 mutations across cancer types. D mutational profile of HAND2-AS1 across different cancer types. E experimental validation based on 10 tumor and 10 adjacent normal tissues. F, G A set of more external validation based on homogenous GSE87211 (tumor = 202, normal = 157) and GSE68468 (tumor = 186, normal = 55) datasets, respectively

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